Refuse generation started with the history of man and gained more attention when man began to live in communities. During the 1st century with industrial revolution rapid population growth in the develop world and the volume of waste produce was relatively small. Today in developing nations, like, Nigeria, solid waste accumulate in every city causing serious health and environmental hazard.
The practice of dumping waste on streets, roads, streets and unapproved sites lead to breeding to rats, flies and out break of plagues as well as ecological impacts, such as water and air pollution. This is because the capacity of nature to dilute, disperse or absorb or dispose of its unwanted residues in the atmosphere, water way and land is limited. It is against this background that the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) was established in 1988 manage and protect the environment. The decree establishing the agency also provided for the establishment of State Environment Protection Agencies (SEPA) in all the States of Federation.
However, the prevailing economic condition in the country coupled with negative attitude of the citizens made it difficult for proper solid waste management and environmental protection solid waste consists of biodegradable (that is substance that can be broken down by bacteria) and non biodegradable (that is substance that cannot be broken by bacteria) materials and these are usually deposited at refuse dumps and other unapproved sites. They pile up in heaps blocking road and drainage, road, network thereby consisting environmental hazards. The inhabitants of the neighborhood sometimes set the heaps of refuse ablaze in an attempt to reduce the size. This practice further deteriorate the environment since people are exposed to danger of air pollution.
Changes in Technology brings about changes in the consumption habit of the citizenry and therefore the composition of waste materials.
Thus a lot of non-biodegradable waste (that is substance that cannot be broken by bacteria) are generated and since non-biodegradable are not easily absorbed or diluted naturally such waste accumulate in heaps along major streets. The stinking odour and blackish liquid effluence emanating from such heaps especially during the rainy season constitute environmental hazards and degrade the aesthetic values of our environment.
They as well encourage breeding of mosquitoes and communicable diseases. Therefore the rate of generation of solid waste is not matched with the rate of evacuation as a result of problems ranging from lack of funds and professional experience staffs of bureaucracy and redtapism.
The purpose of this study is to
(i) To determine the composition of solid waste in campus III
(ii) To examine the different management strategies being adopted in solid waste management by the institution as well as ENSEPA. Enugu State environmental Protection Agencies.
(iii) To identify problem militating against solid waste management in campus III IMT Enugu Institute of Management and Technology.
(iv) To suggest appropriate and effective measures that will ensure efficient solid waste management in campus III IMT Institute of Management and Technology Enugu.
In an attempt to identify the approaches and problems of solid waste management in campus III IMT with a view of finding appropriate management strategies, the following research questions were formulated:
(i) What are the major components of solid waste generated in campus III IMT.
(ii) To what extent does the composition of waste influence the management practices?
(iii) What are the reasons for the inadequate as well as inefficient collection and disposal of solid waste by (ENSEPA).
(iv) What measure are likely to improve the existing situation constraints or management techniques.
(v) What is the level of public awareness of poor solid waste management.
In order to ascertain the opinion of the public on the major constraints of solid waste management in. campus III IMT the following hypothesis are formulated.
Null Hypothesis
HO The opinion of ENSEPA staff and the general public indicate and lack of management personnel that militate against proper solid waste management in campus III IMT.
Alternative Hypothesis
Hi The opinion of (ENSEPA) staff and the general public indicate that it is the problem of equipment, fund and lack of management personnel that militate against proper solid waste management in campus III IMT.
The finding of this study will be of great significance to both the students and staff and indeed, every body that has a stake in the affairs and proceedings in IMT campus III.
This is because the recommendation of this study will prefer sustainable solid waste management strategies. Moreover, the study will go along ways in revealing to industrialists, the practical ways to minimize waste recycling.
Finally, the out come of this research will be an asset to environmental researcher and planners for effective planning and management of solid waste.
The consequences and various types of waste are of global significance but the research decided to limit the study to.
(i) The nature of solid waste generation and problems in campus III IMT Enugu.
(ii) Testing the level of awareness and review of the activities of the (ENSEPA) in solving the problem of solid waste in campus III.
(iii) The possible measures to improve the management techniques in the area.
This study is constrained by limited time and financial resources. Other limitation includes lack of immediate reply to, the research questionnaire, but all these were soon overcome with perseverance.